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What is Repeatability test & Important points while performing calibration

What is Repeatability test & Important points while performing calibration

"Repeatability is the ability of a weighing balance to repeat the results when same load is applied again and again”

Repeatability test is performed on full and half capacity of the weighing balance, to perform repeatability test two weight are required one of full capacity of weighing balance and one of half of the capacity , for example, for a weighing balance of 200g capacity weight required for repeatability test will be 200g and 100g.

After warm-up, set the balance display to zero.

Take the full capacity weight place it on weighing balance pan weight for the display to be stable, note the reading when display is stable. Wait for display to return zero, note down the return zero display of the weighing balance. Again place the same weight on balance pan, wait for display to be stable and not down the stable reading.

Wait for return zero, note down the reading at no load.

Repeat the process at least five times (for batter results 10 observations can be taken), and calculate the standard deviation. For repeatability at half load repeat same process with half load weight and calculate the standard deviation.

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